Articles & Innovations

  1. Rassaian N, Mahmoudi M: Introducing Research-Centred Teaching Method Compared with Customary Lecturing in Teaching Medical Physiology. The 12th Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 1995
  2. Rassaian N: Research-Centred Teaching Method and its Application to Problem-Based Learning. The 2nd National Congress of Medical Education, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 1995 (Education)[Abstract]
  3. Rassaian N: The Relation Between Exploratory Thinking and Long-term Memory. The 1st Iranian Congress of Neuroscience, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 1996
  4. Rassaian N: Enthusiasm Enhances Cognition in Problem-Based Learning in the Lecture Format. The 3rd International Symposium on Problem-Based Learning, New Teaching Methods Session, Durban, South Africa, 1996
  5. Rassaian N: Problem-Based Learning in the Lecture Format. Journal of Medical Education (UK), 30:390, 1996
  6. Rassaian N: Introducing Research-Centred Teaching Method for Scientific Lectures. The 8th International Conference, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 97), Science Session, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1997
  7. Rassaian N, Sadeghi Ghandehari N, Nakhaei S, Tajasob B: Attitudes and Academic Performance of Medical Students in Research-Centred Teaching Method. Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran, 14(3): 253-260, 2000 (Education)[]
  8. Rassaian N: Long-term Memory and Learning Through the Use of Research-Centred Teaching Method. Journal of Medical Education, 1(1): 38-42 2001 (Education) []
  9. Rassaian N, Nakhaei S, Sadeghi Ghandehari N: Comparison of Three Exam Techniques in Medical Students: multiple-choice, true-false and short answer questions, Journal of Hakim, 5(4): 271-278, 2003 (Education)[Abstract]
  10. Rassaian N, Nakhaei S: A New Methodology for Comparison of Three Test Exam Techniques in Medical Students. Journal of Medical Education, 5(1): 3-10, 2004(Education) []
  11. Rassaian N: There is Much Scope for Explorative Learning and Long-term Memory in Active Teaching Process, Journal of Medical Education, 6(1): 85-88, 2004 (Education) []
  1. Rassaian N, Hosseini M: An Experimental Study on Physical Factors Involved in Cupular Stimulation During Angular Acceleration in Frog. Journal of Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 18(1): 8-19,1994 (Vestibular)[Abstract]
  2. Rassaian N, Hosseini M, Mohammadi D, Barin K: The Effect of Angular Acceleration on Cupular Stimulation Recorded by ENG, in Human. The 1st University Medical Association Scientific Paper Competition, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 1990 (Vestibular)[Abstract]
  3. Rassaian N, Noushinfar E, Bagheri M, Hosseini M, Mohammadi D, Barin K: The Effect of Unilateral Posterior Semicircular Canal Ligation on Cupular Output During Angular Acceleration in Frog. Journal of Pejouhandeh, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, 1(1): 21-26, 1996 (Vestibular)[Abstract]
  4. Rassaian N, Sadeghi Ghandehari S, Sabetazad B: A Rotary Maneuver to Reduce Imbalance of the Vestibular System in Patients with Vestibular Vertigo. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 13(1): 5-10 1999 (Vestibular)[Abstract]

  5. Rassaian N, Sabetazad B, Sadeghi Ghandehari N:The Effects of the Rotary Maneuver on ENG Results of Patients with Directional Preponderance and a History of Peripheral Vestibular Vertigo. The 2nd FAONS Symposium & 3rd Iranian Neuroscience Congress, Tehran, IRAN, 2004 (Vestibular) [Abstract]
  1. Rassaian N, Omachi A: Ouabain Sensitive Na Efflux During Experimentally Induced Net K Efflux from Previously Cold Stored Human Erythrocytes. The 27th Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, 1976
  2. Marshal W E, Rassaian N, Greenwald L S, and Omachi A: Ultrafiltrable ATP and 2,3DPG Concentrations in Cold Stored Human Erythrocytes, Transfusion, 17(5): 448-453, 1977
  3. Rassaian N, and Omachi A: Nature of Na-K Pump During the Gardos Effect in Human Erythrocytes. The 4th Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Shiraz University, IRAN, 1977
  4. Rassaian N, Barghi E, Daneshpajouh M, Katouzian B. A Survey of Cardiovascular Disease in School Children in Tehran, IRAN (1980-81). The 9th World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, 1982 (Other Fields)[]
  5. Daneshpajouh D, Rassaian N, Katouzian B, and Barghi: A Study of Ethiopathogenicity and Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Primary School Children in Tehran, IRAN (1980-81). The 9th International Congress of Cardiology, Moscow, 1982 (Other Fields)[Abstract]
  6. Rassaian N, Davazdahemami MR, Saedi D, Iravani N, Kamalipirooz AR, Rahimi F: The Effect of Vitamin C Phonophoresis on Tendons’ Collagen Fibers in Rabbit. Journal of Nabz, 3(7): 32-39, 1993 (Other Fields)[Abstract]
  7. Rassaian N, Fadavi HR, Tajalliaval A, Doroudian P: The Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Placebo on labor pain. FAOPS, FAONS, APPS, PSNZ, Brisbane, Australia, 1998 (Other Fields)[Abstract]
  8. Haeryfar SMM, Rassaian N, Moslemizadeh M, Hoseini-Gohari L: Elevated Lipoprotein (a) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 5(4): 230-234, 2002 (Other Fields)[]
  1. Rassaian N: Respiratory Physiology in the Format of GMD Curriculum Planning Reform: Lecture Note of Respiratory System. Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, IRAN, pp.109-141, 2005
  2. Rassaian N: Kidney Physiology in the Format of GMD Curriculum Planning Reform: Lecture Note of Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract System. Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, IRAN, pp.83-152, 2005