Honors & Awards


1966-1972 Full Scholarship to First Rank Medical Students
National University of IRAN, Tehran, IRAN
1973 The First Degree Medal to the First Rank Medical Graduates
Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, Tehran, IRAN
1974-1977 Scholarship to First Rank Medical Graduates
Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education, Tehran, IRAN
1990 University Medical Association Scientific Paper Competition,
Honorable Mention for an Outstanding Scientific Paper "The Effect
of Angular Acceleration on Cupular Stimulation, Recorded by ENG, in Human"
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
1994 Honorable Mention for an Outstanding Scientific Paper," The
Effect of Vitamin C Phonophoresis on Tendons' Collagen Fibers
in Rabbit"
The 5th Congress of Physical Therapy of IRAN
1999 Who's Who in the World in Recognition of Individuals Who Have
Demonstrated Leadership and Achievement in Their Profession.
6th Edition, USA, 1999
2002 Teacher of the Year, Award
School of Medicine
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
2005 International Biographical Centre Leading Health Professionals of the World 2005,
Cambridge, England
2005 International Biographical Centre Top 100 Health Professionals 2005,
in Recognition of Individuals Whose Daily Work Makes a Difference,
Cambridge, England


106 Certificates of Appreciation have been received for five areas of activity; active teaching method, introducing the new and unique research-centred teaching method to the world, innovations in research on vestibular system, cooperation with the staff of general medical degree curriculum planning, and administrative contributions. One of the above mentioned certificates has been awarded by Professor H J Walton, the Former President of the World Federation for Medical Education, 3 of them from Ministers of Health and Medical Education, 7 from Deans and 3 from the Heads of Physiology Departments of the universities where I have given lectures. The rest are from my precious students whose active class participation is highly appreciated. The students whose motivation for exploratory thinking has facilitated my success in developing new teaching method and achieving some progress in the mechanism of vestibular system stimulation and suppressing the vestibular vertigo.